on Wednesday, November 7, 2012


One years ago I did not know about blog. I heard about blog My brothers friend “Nasir”.He is a successful blogger.When I heard about blogging then I express my interest for blogging.He gives me some tips & I follow him as his deriction.But I fall many problem when I started blog.

If you search google about blog,you may see thousand tips,articale about blogging.But You can,t understand their direction 100%.You must face atleast one problem.I also face like this type of problem.For this reason I decide I will help people who want to start blogging and want  to be successful blogger and also earn from blog.

                                                How to create Blog

Step1.First you have to chooise topics you much know better about this.Remember never try to copy from others web pages.If you want see or copy for gethering knowledge then welecome.If you copy from others then google will catch it.

Step2.For starting free blogging first you have to chooise a company.Now a days there are many company in market.I will tell you some famous companies name.These companies are really good for blogging.The companies are:


I think this three website(company) are best for blogging.But I suggest you to use blogger(blogspot). Because In this site there are many opportunity you  will get.and if you want to earn from this blog you can also.What you want?

For starting blog with bloger you have to do:
Stape3.To start bloging in blogger you must have to a gmail account.To create gmail account go to http://www.google.com. Then you will see right corner(up) create an account.Click this tab.Then a information box will come,fillup all information & create an gmail account.

Stape4.After creating gmail account you have to sign in gmail account.Now look up, you will see right corner in google status bar in black shadow:more>Click more botton,you will see many option.You just click  blogger option.

                    How to create pages to blog in blogspot

You can create pages in blogspot.You you have to remember that pages & post are different.

Step1.Look up your blog web page.Right corner you may look dashboard & just click this button.